
Individual and qualitative care to get you back to your favorite activities

At Sibyllans Osteopatklinik we treat problems related to the musculoskeletal system, such as back pain, headache, joint and muscle pain, as well as stress related problems.

Our aim is to give our patients individual, highly qualitative care using a holistic perspective, in order for them to return to their normal activity and improve their athletic performance.

Osteopathy is based on Western medicine and clinical reasoning

The body is a unit; the person is a unit of body, mind, and spirit
The body is capable of self-regulation, self-healing, and health maintenance
Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated
Rational treatment is based upon an understanding of the basic principles of body unity, self-regulation, and the interrelationship of structure and function
Osteopathy is a primary contact and patient-centered health care discipline, that emphasizes the interrelationship of structure and function of the body and facilitates the body’s innate ability to heal itself, and supports a whole-person approach to all aspects of health and healthy development , principally by the practice of manual treatment.

The osteopath aims to help the body to reduce pain and restricted joint movement. They assist the body in solving both acute problems as well as working preventively.

The osteopath may also advice their patient on exercise regimes, lifestyle and dietary habits, and stress handling in order to reduce the risk of problems recurring.

Osteopathy is an independent healthcare discipline. The osteopath’s training is based on biomedical and clinical science. The osteopath has studied for a minimum of 4 years and the training includes, among other subjects, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, biochemistry and clinical skills.

Contact and booking

Sibyllans Osteopatklinik
Sibyllegatan 69
11443 Stockholm

Gudrun Göransson MSc DO

Contact me by phone or e-mail about what you need help with as I would like to have a dialogue before we book an appointment.

phone: 0733 900 676

Hazel Mansfield MA BSc (Hons) MED DO ND

Contact me by phone or e-mail about what you need help with as I would like to have a dialogue before we book an appointment.

phone: 0768 794051

Anna Bergman DO

Contact me by phone or e-mail about what you need help with as I would like to have a dialogue before we book an appointment.

phone: 070 316 09 07

Andrew Venn BSc(ClinSci), MHSc(Ost)

Book by calling or sending an SMS. You can also book an appointment online.

phone: 073 982 7983

Andreas Graham BSc (Hons) Ost DO

Contact me by phone or e-mail about what you need help with as I would like to have a dialogue before we book an appointment.

phone: 070 292 00 98

Marika Jevbratt MSc DO

Contact me by phone or e-mail about what you need help with as I would like to have a dialogue before we book an appointment.

phone: 070 471 74 30

Contact us

Sibyllans Osteopatklinik
Sibyllegatan 69
11443 Stockholm

Gudrun Göransson - 073 390 0676

Find us